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  Function            expandfilespec - expand a filespec into a full
                                         DOS filepathname

  Syntax              char *expandfilespec(char *filespec, char *dest);

  Prototype in        filehk.h

  Remarks             expandfilespec will take a DOS filespec (optional
                      drive, optional path, optional file name) and
                      expand it into a full filepathname, consisting of
                      drive, path and file name. Any information needed
                      to make a fully explicit filepathname
                      (d:\path\filename.exe) not provided by filespec
                      will be retrieved as the current drive and path,
                      with the filename.ext wildcarded appropriately.

                      dest must be a pointer to an allocated piece of
                      memory large enough to hold the full filepathname

                      expandfilespec() relies on parsefilename() to break
                      s into its respective parts (drive, path and
                      filename.) Thus, any restrictions applying to
                      parsefilename() also apply to getfilespec().

  Return value        returns dest.

  See also            getfilespec(), isdir(), parsefilename(),

See Also: getfilespec() isdir() parsefilename() parsefnameext()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson